SFP+ Module Multi Mode Fiber 10GbE LC:
Placable into PRIMERGY BX400/BX900 LAN connection blades with SFP+ connectors and the
Fujitsu 10GbE Server Adapter D2755. Usable for optical 10Gb Ethernet connections with
LC plugs. Usable fiber optic cables
SFP+ Module Multi Mode Fiber 10GbE LC:
Placable into PRIMERGY BX400/BX900 LAN connection blades with SFP+ connectors and the
Fujitsu 10GbE Server Adapter D2755. Usable for optical 10Gb Ethernet connections with
LC plugs. Usable fiber optic cables
Délka kabelu 1m
Konektor 10G SFP+ na obou stranách
Rychlost přenosu dat - 10 Gb / s
životní prostředí:
Provozní teplota: 0–70 ? (32–158 ?)
Skladovací teplota: -40–80 ? (-40–176 ?)
Provozní vlhkost: 10–90% RV bez kondenzace
The ThinkSystem Broadcom 57412 and 57414 10/25GbE SFP28 Ethernet Adapters are high-performance 25 Gb Ethernet adapters that offers TruFlow intelligent flow processing and support advanced networking technologies including RoCE, SDN, NFV and virtualization...